Introducing, the Fuzz Weasel!

by Matt on Wednesday, 26 October 2011

This is what the PWM project turned into. It's basically the same circuit, put in one of the cool new trapezoid boxes, partly because the standard 1590B MXR sized boxes were too small for the circuit, and I didn't want to have to use the much bigger 1590BB. This is the perfect size. Plus, as I've already said, it looks cool!

I'm not sure that I've found a practical use for this yet, but it's easily the most fun I've had with a stomp box since I got the Fuzz Probe (something to do with the fuzz?).

The knobs are gonna change, but these were the only ones I had, hence the odd one. It's also going to get a screen print of a weasel on it that's being designed by a friend, updates to come.

Trapezoid boxes?

by Matt on Saturday, 22 October 2011

Tired of those boring old rectangular, MXR sized boxes? Well, help is at hand! Hammond who are the go-to company for fx boxes, have brought out trapezoid boxes. I've just got a few of the smaller ones, and plan on getting some effects housed in them soon.

One from John Lyons over at

PWM fuzz madness!

by Matt on Tuesday, 11 October 2011

This is the post that I wanted to put up last night, but, due to Youtube being useless, it's had to wait until today.

Anyway, having spent a while checking out every schematic on Tim Escobedo's site, I decided to have a go at messing around with the PWM, which turned out to be masses of fun. At the moment, it has an envelope which controls both the speed and depth of a tremolo simultaneously. The tremolo, in turn, is controlling the pulse width.

Confused? so am I, here's a video of what  I've got so far:

This just takes the biscuit

by Matt on Monday, 10 October 2011

Ok, so when I make something, I almost expect it not to work, but when I'm using technology that's been proven over years of use, and even that fails me, it's just annoying. This is the first video I tried to upload to Youtube, it's supposed to be a demonstration of my version of Tim Escobedo's VCF fuzz pedal, with some additions.

This is how it appears on the website:

I feel that the lack of audio makes it slightly less interesting...

Mid-Fi Pitch Pirate, or What can be done with a PT2399

by Matt on Sunday, 9 October 2011

Right, so I took the 2399 off my breadboard, because it was all a bit much for me, but here's a great example of what can be done with it when it's in the right hands. Pitch Pirate, and for those who are interested, here's a picture of it from the same site:

If you like the sound of that, or are into any sort of crazy sounding effects, it's worth checking out his other stuff, there are some really cool sounding pedals in there.

F**K! What happenned?

by Matt on Tuesday, 4 October 2011

This post epitomizes the name of this blog. I just built a Red Llama for a friend, it has the neatest wiring I've done so far, and it was working perfectly...

Then, having put the bottom on, it stopped... bottom comes back off, no loose wires, nothing seems to have changed. Strange.

I have read that these chips can break unexpectedly, so I'm assuming it's that, but with no spare to check, I have no way of knowing, so I could be back to square one. New chip is in the post, fingers crossed!